
Wondering why you might choose a DUKE10 Banjolele? Hear what Kelly has to say...CLICK HERE ==>

A Few More Factory Updates

Over the last couple of weeks we have had many photos and videos of the DUKE10 as it progresses through the production process. Owner Jamie Houston has had his hands full checking details and ensuring specifications are met and requesting extra images if something has not looked up to par. Things like rough edges or crooked parts or not quite flush fittings and so on.

Here are some more images not previously shared in our last post or the post before that.

This short video shows one of our new hard cases being created.

Here you can see the unshaped necks and headstocks being glued to the spines.

DUKE10 Neck and spine being glued

Here are the fingerboards after being attached to the neck and spine assembly.

duke10 necks with fingerboards attached

Slowly coming together.

duke10 banjolele coming together

A new upgrade just to hand - a slimmer and tidier armrest will be fitted, giving the DUKE10 a sleeker look. 

new smaller armrest on the DUKE10 banjo ukulele

 old armrest vs new armrest on duke10 banjolele

See the first two completed DUKE10's.

Other production updates.

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